t h e . d e v i l . b a s h e r s

m a s t e r . p l a n 

God created you for a purpose, He has a special plan for your life. The first step towards a full and happy life is to let Jesus Christ repair the relationship between you and your Heavenly Father. Everyone sins, and nobody is "good enough" to earn God’s favor, however, because of Jesus’ great love for you, He made it possible to regain the personal relationship with God you were created to have.

All you need to do is ask!

Just say and mean this prayer:

"Dear God, I’m sorry I’ve sinned, please forgive me. I know you are the creator of all things, and I recognize your greatness and power. I believe that you sent your own son Jesus Christ to sacrifice Himself in payment for my sins, and I accept His gift of eternal life. I’ll try to live the way you want me to live, but I know I can’t do it alone. So I will talk to you every day, and turn my life over to you, so you can guide me"

If you have just prayed this prayer, and meant it, please send us an e-mail telling us about it!  We want to hear from you.  If you have any questions about Jesus, also send us an e-mail.  Please check out the rest of the web site, tell us what you think, and have fun.

God Bless,

Matt & Andy
The Devil Bashers

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