t h e . d e v i l . b a s h e r s

p r e v i o u s . s i t e s 



Five Iron Frenzy

The cool web site of the weird 
Christian ska band!


Mustang Assembly of God

The web site of our own church 
in Mustang, Oklahoma!

6.30.00 Super Car

Check out this cool web site design 
company's site and you're in for a treat!

6.23.00 Jesus Freak Hideout

Everything from music to interviews to movie reviews, you've got to check this site out!

6.16.00 HTML Goodies

Your one stop source to codes, 
JavaScripts; all in helpful tutorials.

6.9.00 Newsboys

It's time for some disco!  Check out the awesome web site of the Christian band, Newsboys.


Forefront Records

The record company of bands like dc Talk, Audio Adrenaline, Eli, Raze, and more!

5.26.00 Ray of Light

An art production company with 
an awesome internet site.

5.19.00 Romeo Design

A web design company that makes 
sites with Macromedia Flash.


Beanbag Online

The web site of the intense Christian
 rock band, Beanbag.

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