t h e . d e v i l . b a s h e r s

q u o t e s 

  • "Science cannot deal with things that cannot be weighed or measured, like the human soul."

  • "God will touch you but, will you touch people?"

  • "Motivation is what gets you started, habit is what keeps you going."

  • "Obstacles are things a person sees when he takes his eyes off his goal."

  • "If you want the rainbow, then you have to put up with the rain."

  • "All the world is a stage, try to act your part."

  • "To perform like a champion, you must practice like one."

  • "He who fears being conquered is sure of defeat."

  • "Success is what happens when hard work and motivation meet ambition."

  • "Today's preparation determines tomorrow's achievement."

  • "Victory belongs to the most persevering."

  • "He who is afraid of doing to much always does too little."

  • "When you're good at making excuses, it's difficult to excel at anything else."

  • "Stop telling God how big your mountain is, and start telling your mountain how big your God is."

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