t h e . d e v i l . b a s h e r s

s e r m o n s 

Take Off The Camouflage
Andrew McCuller

How many of you witness to at least two friends a week? How many of you know one verse about witnessing in the bible? Name one in your mind. With your Bibles, turn with me to 1 Timothy 4:12-13. That verse has helped me when I was going through some tough times. At one point in my life, I thought that everyone hated my guts, I was tempted to run away. But I started to pray more and get closer to God, even though I was getting away from my friends I was getting closer to God and he was the only friend I needed, because If God was on my side everything would fall in to place. After that I guess people saw the glory of God on me, Cause I would be in a store or something and just say Hi to someone and they would just start telling me their problems. Therefore, then I would get to witness to them. In Luke 21:13 it says that God is counting on us to witness. I mean, God didn’t put us on this earth to be born and stupid, get saved, worship Him, and die. He put each and every one of us here for a purpose, and that purpose is to witness and get other people to Heaven. There are only four ways to get people saved: 1. Witness 2. Pray 3. Read your Bible 4. Lead them to the Lord. There was a man, he is one of my heroes, some of you might know him but his name is Smith Wiggelsworth. He never went more then 15 minutes without reading his Bible or praying. I believe that is so true. We need to start doing that and stop caring about what is in style, and trying to beat that game, but give God your time. I heard my youth pastor once say, "A sinning man stops praying, but A praying man stops sinning." There are a lot of people who watch you, it doesn’t matter who it is their watching, and if you are such a good Christian at church and a liar or something at school that makes real Christians look bad. So what do people see in you? Do they see a Christian or a non-Christian? Back to 1 Timothy 4:12-13, if you look at Verse 13 it says that we should speak the Gospel publicly. If we start doing that then a lot of Christians will take off their camouflage. In Ephesians 6 it talks about the armor of God, let me run through them real quick: belt of Truth, breastplate of Righteousness, shoes of Peace, shield of Faith, helmet of Salvation, and the sword of the Spirit. Those are the weapons we need to have so we can witness. There was a guy who came to a convention thing and after a while he got saved. Well, he told the head dude that he would do anything. He said would vacuum, mop, dust, clean bathrooms, clean up vomit from the drunken people that came in. In addition, one day another homeless man came in and this guy got him saved. Therefore, one day the pastor of this convention came in and he saw this young man on his knees praying. The pastor walked by him and heard him saying, "God let me be like James, I want to be like James. James was the first guy I told you about and the one that got this guy saved.” The pastor looked at him and said, “Son, you should be praying to be like Jesus.” This guy turned around and asked, “Is Jesus like James?” So I have one question for you, What do people see in you? Do they see a Christian or a lukewarm sinner?

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