t h e . d e v i l . b a s h e r s

s e r m o n s 

Servant Or Slave?
Andrew McCuller

I have two questions to ask you today. First one: Do you want to be a servant or slave? Second one: Do you serve the Lord with a heart of a slave or servant? You see people think, well there is nothing that makes them different, but you are very wrong my friend. Let me tell you why. They both serve a master. We are going to start out with a servant. A servant serves with a heart of love, respect, honor, and admiration. A servant will do anything his master says. However, he will do it out willing to. Turn to 1 Samuel 3:10 (read it). Therefore, what that is saying is that Samuel was going to do whatever God wanted him to do. One quick question to throw in, do we live like that. Do we want to do anything for God? That was just something I thought I might give to you to think about. We also need to do more than what we are supposed to do, like in Luke 17:10 (read it). In 1 Tim. 2:24 (read it) that is saying that we shouldn’t fight, instead be nice to one another. If we all didn’t want to be servants, we would have one big war going on cause we would all fight or gripe about things or each other. However, isn’t that what we do anyway? Like for example, "Well she just doesn’t have on the right clothes." Or, "She just doesn’t fit in she looks bad." Who cares what clothes you wear? It says to be nice to whom? EVERYONE! That includes your brother and sister and very much, your parents.

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